
Sunday 2 December 2012

Some Updates

Good evening friends!
Today has been the first Sunday in Advent. I am really looking forward to Christmas and have Christmas-decorated my apartment. It's lovely!
Right now I am eating a Lucia saffron buns (the bun seen in the first picture) and listening to some Christmas songs by Elvis.


And now to school:
I have been quite bussy the last month, hence I have not been feeling up to writing in the blog.
Yesterday I did a survey in town for the math class, the IB Internal Assessment for Math Studies SL. I was asking people about their political standpoint. It's hard to get people to stop in the Christmas shopping though and I didn't get as many as I needed. I published the survey online and now I'm almost done.

The Extended Essay is also done, thank god, and it's really a relife not to have to think about it any more. The Extended Essay is an IB essay that is core content for the entire programme and is, as the name suggests, a long essay. It can be any topic and I chose to make a literature analysis of Pippi Longstocking and Eli from Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist and made a comparison between the two characters. I am quite satisfied, but think I had some errors in the formalia.

We have also finally gotten snow here in Skövde, 5 centimetres! At my mom's place there is apparently 40 centimetres of snow! I love snow; the glitter and the sound when you step on it... Aah winter is here!
I also spotted this snow man yesterday when I got home;

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Good Morning!

Right now I'm sitting in my bed. I woke up about an hour ago and thought I would do some homework before I go to school, as I start at 10:00.
The deadline for an important essay is today but there is not much left to so I though I would head to second hand after school.
During the weekend I have been eating LCHF but I found that I can't find any nice recipes for me. I am very picky with my food unfortunately. I am thinking of taking a "break" from the LCHF until I find good recipes because I have a hard time already knowing what to eat. This weekend I have been feeling great though. I haven't been tired at all and not been hungry between meals, which is great!
We'll see how it turns out. Maybe I will continue after Christmas; there are so many tempting delicious things around this time of the year! I think I could keep myself away from it but honestly I don't want to, it's a part of Christmas for me so I would take a break from LCHF there anyway.

Have a nice day!

Saturday 3 November 2012

First LCHF day and homework

Today I have been doing homework all day, or at least been trying to.
This is also the first day where I have basically no carbs in my kitchen.
For breakfast I ate some yoghurt with almond, hazelnuts, coconut and a some raisins in it. Very tasty!
For lunch I ate chicken wings with egg and vegetables and as dessert i ate some raspberries with cream.
I didn't know what to make for dinner at first but found a recipe on porridge that I tried out;

2 eggs
1 dl of cream
1tbs of coconut
spice with cinnamon and pure vanilla

Whip the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly and then fry it gently in a saucepan or frying pan until it has the consistency that you want. Make sure it doesn't burn!

It tasted almost like regular porridge but I didn't like the consistency that the egg gave it as I have pretty much over-eaten on the egg front. I recommend using berries to make it more fun!

Friday 2 November 2012

Low Carb and second hand haul

Right now I'm sitting in my sofa searching recipes. I have been researching on a low carb diet called LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) recently as I have been feeling really tired all the time. My mom has been on the LCHF diet the last two years and it works great for her. The diet is basically about eating fresh food; taking out most of the carbs and eating lots of fat and vegetables instead. You cook everything from scratch and only eat things that you know are good for you. This all sounds really good so I figured that I would try it out. This means that I will probably do updates on recipes and what effects the diet has on me.
I'm not aiming at loosing weight; rather getting healthier, avoid constantly being hungry and tired.

I stayed over night at my mom's new place and came home  couple of hours ago. She and I went to second hand today where they were selling some cute Christmas decorations! 
I found these really cute things;


It feels weird Christmas-decorating my new place. Christmas is something I connect with family, I never buy these things myself and here I am preparing to decorate my own home. 
Things are different when you move away from home.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Halloween party and graduation dress

Good morning!
I came home around 5:30 am from the Halloween party and fell asleep right afterwards. Now it's 4 pm; I just woke up and it's already getting dark outside. Sometimes living in the north can be a tiresome business!

The party was really pleasant although they were few in the planning group and not very organized so there were little so do at times. I came, as I had planned, as Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange. There were like three people that had seen the movie at all and almost all were zombies. But it was fun all the same!
I didn't get any pictures of my outfit however but I hope that those who red my post about the costume and wanted it got it right!

I got my dress for the graduation as well. I had been looking at it for a while at and a week ago it was a sale and I actually got it for half the price! The dress fits quite well, although I might have to sew some parts in but we’ll see about that. It is very pretty; makes me long for the graduation even more!
It is this dress from Jones & Jones:

Tomorrow I will go horseback riding as CAS with my friend as supervisor. I have never sat on a horses back before so I hope I don’t die.

Have a nice evening!

Thursday 25 October 2012

Crazy weather is crazy!

To make an update on my life;
Today we had a themes day/special studies day at school. We made resumes and exercised in job interview situations. I finally got a good resume that I can use for future job applications and found out that my IB diploma will actually have a certificate for me becoming bilingual! (As I don't have English A I thought that it wouldn't be possible)

After that my mom picked me up and we made some business in town. We went to second hand to search for the final pieces for my costume. I found both pants and fabric for the codpiece. I also found a gorgeous bowl, hand painted from the USSR. My mom found an awesome couch that she is going to pick up this Saturday.

When we came out from second hand there was a snow storm outside!There was hail, snow, thunder and sun at the same time, it was crazy! Crazy in a beautiful way that is; hail swirling around, dancing in the wind reflecting the sunlight.

My Alex DeLarde droog costume

Now I have almost finished all components to my droog (from A Clockwork Orange) costume for Halloween. As I was researching on the topic I found that it was a very popular costume to have on Halloween. Although I could not find many pictures of good outfits. I am trying to make my costume look as close to Alex DeLarge's outfit as possible so that is what this post will be about. Remember that all droogs have different outfits so you should look more closely into the matter if you want to be somebody else!
I won't say that my outfit is perfect, far from, but I did what I could with my assets and thought I could give you some tips! This is at least what I've found;

The bowler
The bowler is an essential piece of the costume! I already had one in my closet but you can usually find it second hand, sometimes at goodwill. Try to find one with a small bow on the side like Alex. A new hat costs around $20 and can be found at for example Amazon or hat makers.
Alex's hair sticks out from underneath the hat. It is middle length, slightly curly and has a light brown colour to it.

The eyelashes
The eyelashes are also a trademark for Alex DeLarge. In most pictures I have seen people have put the eyelashes upside down. This is not accurate; they should be placed like normal lashes on one eye, both on the top and bottom. The eyelashes can be found in any regular store. Some are shaped like Alex's but if they are not you can cut them on your own. They are usually very cheap.


The shirt
 The shirt is not pure white. It is also not just a button up shirt. It has no collar and two pockets of the front. The shirt has some texture to it as well. It seems to be some kind of grandad shirt but I am not entirely sure where to find one. In Sweden you can probably find one at goodwill but I didn't have that luck and had to settle with a regular oxford shirt. I tucked the collar in and taped it to make it stay in place.
If you are a girl and want an authentic costume I recommend to put a sports bra on or put bandage on your boobs.
This is a quite good picture to know that to look for;


The droogs are all using codpieces. Many don't have this in their outfits but I think it is one of the most important pieces. From what I have found out they are using cricket codpieces in the movie. These are hard to find as they are using old models. With some creativity you can however make your own!
- Use a fabric that has a beige colour to it
- Make two pieces for the backpart and two for the front part (look at the picture above for inspiration for templates, I am sorry that I can't provide you with that) and make sure that they are not too small!
- Find something thin to stuff the codpiece with and find padding for the front, preferably a big jockstrap

 The eyeballs
 Something that many misses out on are the eyeballs on the wrist cuffs. I say you could skip them if you don't have time but they are still a symbol for what Alex stand for and a grotesque piece of the costume that should be taken into account. I have not constructed mine yet but this is what I'm planning to do;
- buy a pair of fake eyes from a costume shop
- glue them onto the shirt with a glue gun,
- use acrylic paint and red tissue to make the flesh affect and glue this on as well

If you don't want to ruin your shirt i recommend doing this on a piece of fabric and then use a wristband to make it fit. Be creative!

The suspenders are white or a light shade of beige. They are thick and has a v-shape where you attach them. These you are probably able to find at a tailor or a store for menswear for 10-20 dollars. I bought mine at goodwill for 1 dollar and are going to spray paint them.

From what I have read the pants are white cricket pants. These can be hard to find outside England and I myself had to settle with a pair of loose fitting white pants. If you use that you should try to find some without pockets and preferably not in denim.

Alex uses a cane with a built-in knife. Since weapons are illegal in most countries i recommend not using that, if you dont find a replica and glue the opening. A cane looking similar to an Irish walking stick should be fine. If you can't find a cane at all you could use a baseball bat as Georgie is using that. Here is a good picture on the cane, eyeballs, shoes and the back of the codpiece:


The boots are combat/army boots with a vintage-split sole. These could be hard to find. I settle with regular boots because of lack of time and money. Boots are always fashionable so if you are not picky with the model it should not be a hard task. You can find it at goodwill for $15 or at a regular shoe store, price is varying.

The "maskie" is the mask Alex uses when he is doing some "ultra violence" and is an optional thing. I think it adds an extra touch to the costume and make it more authentic but you probably have to make it on your own. You will have to be creative and/or research on this part because I didn't make one or found an easy way to do so, good luck!

If you have questions about this feel free to ask! There might be some mistakes, this is what I have found on the internet after some research and after watching the movie.

Monday 22 October 2012


Today I realized that it is just a week left until halloween. My class has started sort of a new tradition at school where we arrange a halloween party to have fun and get CAS hours (a school project to increase self and social awareness). At this party there is generally a costume contest and as I was in the team judging last year it will be nice to see what people think this year!

I was planning on being a female version of the Mad Hatter but as I realized today that there is only a week left I came to the conclusion that I won't have time to make the hat.
I searched for quite long for a new costume as I want it to be something a bit personal or original. Rather than a zombie.
Then! My friends! As I was looking through my favorite movie characters Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange came to my mind. Luckily I have a bowler hat, boots and a white shirt already. Therefore a droog would not be too hard to accomplish.
Tomorrow I will go looking for suspenders, jockstrap and false eyelashes. Hopefully there will be time and creativity left for the eyeballs on the wrist cuffs as well.

Wish me luck!

Thursday 18 October 2012

MTV and school

Well hello my friend! My dearest and sweetest, the moist to my cloud!
It is a very glum day today I must say and I find myself wanting to speak in rhymes and alliterations!

At the moment I'm having a free period in school before the English class starts; sitting in the library doing nothing. After lunch and until this moment I was sitting down by the TV watching MTV as that is the only thing which is on. I is rather odd as this is an IT school; nothing but nerds.

MTV is fascinating I must say. Today there were a "My Sweet 16" marathon. My Sweet 16 is basically about brats getting whatever they want for their 16th birthday. Things at the show are just so beyond my comprehension that I can't say anything more than it fascinates me.

Over all things are going well. I stayed up too late yesterday and overslept this morning which means I'm really tired... I end at four and the cafeteria closed an hour ago. It's days lie these that you wish the school was placed closer to town.

Anyway, now I shall go back to my studies at my sanctuary we call the library.
Have a great Thursday!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Cloudy day

Not very nice weather today but a typical Swedish autumn oh yes.
I am at my mother's house today, doing some business homework at the local store. It is nice to meet everyone again; there is quite long between the times we see each other nowadays. As I have my own apartment and lots of school work to to there is not much time left to go all the way home to my family.

I do however miss my Ylle at home and hope she has been okay over the night. There shouldn't be a problem but I always get worried for her. I am like a newly become mum when it comes to her; I wake up during the nights sometimes worried that something has happened. I just love her so much<3

Sunday 7 October 2012

The usual meal and deal

Well hello!

Right now I am exercising my hamster in the sofa as I do every night.
She has an enormous amount of energy that furball and tries to throw herself off the sofa all the time! Hard work being a moma.

I love it though, she is sweet enough to be sold candy. (Although she bit me in the ripple once. Hurt as hell. Don't recomend it)

I also had a lovely view of my homework at dinner!

Have a good night's sIeep everyone!

On the bus

I just went shopping some groceries at ICA. On Sundays there's only one bus/ hour so I had ten minutes to shop food for a week if i didn't want to sit and do nothing for an hour and l Made it! haha!

I almost ran through the store but it was worth it because I have quite a heavy load of homework waiting for me.

Yesterday I were at by boyfriend's house. It felt like ages ago and it was super nice<3
I also ordered some stuff from ebay for my phone since it is too new to have any nice accessories in Sweden. I have never ordered from there before and hope that the quality will be okay. The phone is too big to have in the pocket so I really need something soon! Haha

Friday 5 October 2012

Dinner, hamster and homework!

I I just made dinner: heathy nutritious pasta haha.
I live alone, what to do?


Now lam playing with my hamster and planning to pop some popcorn soon.
soon I will have to get back to that chemistry report of mine...

Thursday 4 October 2012

Homework "upp över öronen"

Today has been a very busy day. Now I have more homework than I have time to finnish. l will have to devote my entire weekend to it.

And what am I doing?
Procrastinating of course!
But enough about that! I am now getting used to my huuge Galaxy Note II screen. I really like the functionality of the device and that l am all of a sudden given so much freedom with my phone, because of the access to so many things..
There is much to explore with the phone, which is rather exciting.
Now I have to stop procrastinating and continue with my chemistry lab report
... byye ~

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Oh Shit!

I just got my phone and Oh my god this is a big phone but

I love it!!

Me who has only had a shitty phone befor really have to get used to it!

I am so caught up in the device that I forgot to make dinner.. Made egg sandwiches haha

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note II

Yesterday I ordered the recently launched Samsung device "Samsung Galaxy Note N7100"
I am so exited! Can't wait for it to arrive to my house!

I love that you can be so creative with the device and really hope it lives up to my expectations.

With the phone I will hopefully be able to blog somewhat more than before and also start adding pictures. 

We just have to see what I make out of it when it arrives!

Monday 17 September 2012

Haircut and autumn

There hasn't been much going on today. Although I did book a time at the hair dresser so bye bye money for this month, haha!
Autumn has come. I am waiting for the cold weather to change my wardrobe a bit, you just have to LOVE the change of seasons!
It is raining a lot however and I caught a cold at the hike last week. I guess those are things you have to live with though...

Friday 14 September 2012

Blog Design

I'm experimenting with the design at the moment; cant really decide what suits best. I want the blog to be stylish and quite simple, yet fun and showing my personality.

At the moment I am trying a screenshot from the movie Spirited Away as a background;
I really love this picture, so cute and fun! I don't own the picture and might change after a while.
I hope you like it!

Hike with school!

I just came home after a long and cold night in the forest with my class. It was arranged by my class as a project with the other classes in the same course.
We had a really nice time and the weather was great. I came to get to know my classmates better, which was very nice!

It was one of those nights when you could look up into the sky and see all the stars of the heavens and  
feel like a tiny little spec.
 The more you look, the more you see. The more you see, the more you experience!

Sorry that I still don't have any pictures!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Well Hello there!

I thought it would be nice to get in to the blogging world (again?)

Maybe a hasty decision in the middle of the night like this, oh well.

The webcam is making me blue for some reason and the blog will probably be very quiet for the next month or so because I don't have access to a camera just yet.

I am looking forward to starting for realz soon and I will see you all later!