
Saturday 3 November 2012

First LCHF day and homework

Today I have been doing homework all day, or at least been trying to.
This is also the first day where I have basically no carbs in my kitchen.
For breakfast I ate some yoghurt with almond, hazelnuts, coconut and a some raisins in it. Very tasty!
For lunch I ate chicken wings with egg and vegetables and as dessert i ate some raspberries with cream.
I didn't know what to make for dinner at first but found a recipe on porridge that I tried out;

2 eggs
1 dl of cream
1tbs of coconut
spice with cinnamon and pure vanilla

Whip the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly and then fry it gently in a saucepan or frying pan until it has the consistency that you want. Make sure it doesn't burn!

It tasted almost like regular porridge but I didn't like the consistency that the egg gave it as I have pretty much over-eaten on the egg front. I recommend using berries to make it more fun!

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