
Tuesday 6 November 2012

Good Morning!

Right now I'm sitting in my bed. I woke up about an hour ago and thought I would do some homework before I go to school, as I start at 10:00.
The deadline for an important essay is today but there is not much left to so I though I would head to second hand after school.
During the weekend I have been eating LCHF but I found that I can't find any nice recipes for me. I am very picky with my food unfortunately. I am thinking of taking a "break" from the LCHF until I find good recipes because I have a hard time already knowing what to eat. This weekend I have been feeling great though. I haven't been tired at all and not been hungry between meals, which is great!
We'll see how it turns out. Maybe I will continue after Christmas; there are so many tempting delicious things around this time of the year! I think I could keep myself away from it but honestly I don't want to, it's a part of Christmas for me so I would take a break from LCHF there anyway.

Have a nice day!

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