
Sunday 2 December 2012

Some Updates

Good evening friends!
Today has been the first Sunday in Advent. I am really looking forward to Christmas and have Christmas-decorated my apartment. It's lovely!
Right now I am eating a Lucia saffron buns (the bun seen in the first picture) and listening to some Christmas songs by Elvis.


And now to school:
I have been quite bussy the last month, hence I have not been feeling up to writing in the blog.
Yesterday I did a survey in town for the math class, the IB Internal Assessment for Math Studies SL. I was asking people about their political standpoint. It's hard to get people to stop in the Christmas shopping though and I didn't get as many as I needed. I published the survey online and now I'm almost done.

The Extended Essay is also done, thank god, and it's really a relife not to have to think about it any more. The Extended Essay is an IB essay that is core content for the entire programme and is, as the name suggests, a long essay. It can be any topic and I chose to make a literature analysis of Pippi Longstocking and Eli from Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist and made a comparison between the two characters. I am quite satisfied, but think I had some errors in the formalia.

We have also finally gotten snow here in Skövde, 5 centimetres! At my mom's place there is apparently 40 centimetres of snow! I love snow; the glitter and the sound when you step on it... Aah winter is here!
I also spotted this snow man yesterday when I got home;

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