
Thursday 25 October 2012

Crazy weather is crazy!

To make an update on my life;
Today we had a themes day/special studies day at school. We made resumes and exercised in job interview situations. I finally got a good resume that I can use for future job applications and found out that my IB diploma will actually have a certificate for me becoming bilingual! (As I don't have English A I thought that it wouldn't be possible)

After that my mom picked me up and we made some business in town. We went to second hand to search for the final pieces for my costume. I found both pants and fabric for the codpiece. I also found a gorgeous bowl, hand painted from the USSR. My mom found an awesome couch that she is going to pick up this Saturday.

When we came out from second hand there was a snow storm outside!There was hail, snow, thunder and sun at the same time, it was crazy! Crazy in a beautiful way that is; hail swirling around, dancing in the wind reflecting the sunlight.

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