
Thursday 18 October 2012

MTV and school

Well hello my friend! My dearest and sweetest, the moist to my cloud!
It is a very glum day today I must say and I find myself wanting to speak in rhymes and alliterations!

At the moment I'm having a free period in school before the English class starts; sitting in the library doing nothing. After lunch and until this moment I was sitting down by the TV watching MTV as that is the only thing which is on. I is rather odd as this is an IT school; nothing but nerds.

MTV is fascinating I must say. Today there were a "My Sweet 16" marathon. My Sweet 16 is basically about brats getting whatever they want for their 16th birthday. Things at the show are just so beyond my comprehension that I can't say anything more than it fascinates me.

Over all things are going well. I stayed up too late yesterday and overslept this morning which means I'm really tired... I end at four and the cafeteria closed an hour ago. It's days lie these that you wish the school was placed closer to town.

Anyway, now I shall go back to my studies at my sanctuary we call the library.
Have a great Thursday!

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