
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Homework and graduation hat!

This will be a very short update. 
Today I got my graduation cap and it is gorgeous! I long for the graduation like mad now. The dress goes really well with it as well! I still have the mocks and final exams to get through before it's time though.
This is by the way what the Swedish graduation caps looks like:

Swedish students wear these when they finish high school. It looks rather different from the American graduation caps. The Swedish ones are traditionally look like the one in the picture, mine is red on the inside. I chose the most expensive one. I thought I would go all out on it since you only graduate once.

There is an enormous amount of work to do before week 8. I hope I will have the time and energy to finish it all. l have to if I want my diploma. It is all very stressful but with some discipline it shouldn't be a problem.

Wish me Iuck!

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