
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Night out

Some updates

Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well. Long time no see my friends!
I have my final exams coming up in a week and have therefore been busy for the last couple of months.
I feel quite optimistic about my results but we'll see when I get the results in July.

The visual art exhibition went well; I got lots of compliments and encouragement. I applied for a program in gaming design, 2D, at the university. I'll see if that is my up of tee, otherwise I will steer into another creative field, possibly traditional art and mural painting.
My plans for the summer include some working with art; taking orders on artworks and selling what I make. I will make a page on this blog for my portfolio for those who are interested. Some smaller pieces may be for sale at, I will post a link when I start doing that.

This was a very brief update but I wish you all a magnificent spring and I will see you in a couple of months (probably)!

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Homework and graduation hat!

This will be a very short update. 
Today I got my graduation cap and it is gorgeous! I long for the graduation like mad now. The dress goes really well with it as well! I still have the mocks and final exams to get through before it's time though.
This is by the way what the Swedish graduation caps looks like:

Swedish students wear these when they finish high school. It looks rather different from the American graduation caps. The Swedish ones are traditionally look like the one in the picture, mine is red on the inside. I chose the most expensive one. I thought I would go all out on it since you only graduate once.

There is an enormous amount of work to do before week 8. I hope I will have the time and energy to finish it all. l have to if I want my diploma. It is all very stressful but with some discipline it shouldn't be a problem.

Wish me Iuck!

Monday 7 January 2013

Deer Night

Today is the last day of the winter break. A busy spring is waiting for me with the final exams coming up. The day has been filled with studying but I took a short break and created this set on Polyvore:

In this set i surrounded the ourfit around the thought of a winter night in Sweden. Graduation is comming up for me and lately I have been thinking a lot about what I will want to wear on the prom. The ideas I have at the moment are similar to those in this set; a simplistic look with small details that pop. The dress has a waist that flatters most body types so I hope this will give you inspiration for a future outfit for special occasions.

Deer Night

Sunday 6 January 2013


I experimented some with today. It is a fun website where you can create sets of pictures and/or items of your choice.
This set focuses on contrasts between the edgy and sweet. I experimented with contrasts as a challenge to make the different go well together. I have been much into this concept lately; it is interesting to draw parallels and make things work together when they are not intended to do so from the beginning.
I hope you like it!
