
Tuesday 6 November 2012

Good Morning!

Right now I'm sitting in my bed. I woke up about an hour ago and thought I would do some homework before I go to school, as I start at 10:00.
The deadline for an important essay is today but there is not much left to so I though I would head to second hand after school.
During the weekend I have been eating LCHF but I found that I can't find any nice recipes for me. I am very picky with my food unfortunately. I am thinking of taking a "break" from the LCHF until I find good recipes because I have a hard time already knowing what to eat. This weekend I have been feeling great though. I haven't been tired at all and not been hungry between meals, which is great!
We'll see how it turns out. Maybe I will continue after Christmas; there are so many tempting delicious things around this time of the year! I think I could keep myself away from it but honestly I don't want to, it's a part of Christmas for me so I would take a break from LCHF there anyway.

Have a nice day!

Saturday 3 November 2012

First LCHF day and homework

Today I have been doing homework all day, or at least been trying to.
This is also the first day where I have basically no carbs in my kitchen.
For breakfast I ate some yoghurt with almond, hazelnuts, coconut and a some raisins in it. Very tasty!
For lunch I ate chicken wings with egg and vegetables and as dessert i ate some raspberries with cream.
I didn't know what to make for dinner at first but found a recipe on porridge that I tried out;

2 eggs
1 dl of cream
1tbs of coconut
spice with cinnamon and pure vanilla

Whip the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly and then fry it gently in a saucepan or frying pan until it has the consistency that you want. Make sure it doesn't burn!

It tasted almost like regular porridge but I didn't like the consistency that the egg gave it as I have pretty much over-eaten on the egg front. I recommend using berries to make it more fun!

Friday 2 November 2012

Low Carb and second hand haul

Right now I'm sitting in my sofa searching recipes. I have been researching on a low carb diet called LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) recently as I have been feeling really tired all the time. My mom has been on the LCHF diet the last two years and it works great for her. The diet is basically about eating fresh food; taking out most of the carbs and eating lots of fat and vegetables instead. You cook everything from scratch and only eat things that you know are good for you. This all sounds really good so I figured that I would try it out. This means that I will probably do updates on recipes and what effects the diet has on me.
I'm not aiming at loosing weight; rather getting healthier, avoid constantly being hungry and tired.

I stayed over night at my mom's new place and came home  couple of hours ago. She and I went to second hand today where they were selling some cute Christmas decorations! 
I found these really cute things;


It feels weird Christmas-decorating my new place. Christmas is something I connect with family, I never buy these things myself and here I am preparing to decorate my own home. 
Things are different when you move away from home.